Psychoeducational Evaluations

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When navigating diagnoses and the field of mental health, things can be overwhelming and confusing. An evaluation can help pinpoint areas for growth and areas of strength and set people off on a specific path based on that information. 

The evaluation process often begins with a question. That question typically starts with a “why?” Why is it difficult for me to finish tasks? Why do I not seem to understand social cues? Why is learning tough for me? 

To start the evaluation process, then, the evaluator will learn about the questions you have and begin to direct the process. For example, if you have concerns related to focus, a comprehensive assessment would look at possible ADHD, while ruling in or out other conditions that could impact focus. A psychoeducational assessment typically includes interviews, cognitive testing, academic testing, rating scales, and observations. The process takes several hours, and involves analysis of all testing data. Those data help inform diagnostic decisions and help determine next steps.

If you are curious about autism, ADHD, learning differences, or have mental health concerns, you may want to reach out for a consultation. Testing does not have to be scary, and it can be enlightening and empowering!